Summer is finally here and we can't wait to see all of our regular pups and new friends in the playrooms. Here are some tips for a successful summer at ADC.

Whether you're hitting the road or staying close to home, we want our ADC family to have a great time while being safe and responsible with their pups. Here are a few tips for getting the most out of our facility and for keeping your pup safe and happy this summer!
Plan ahead - the summer season is one of our busiest! Our guests take vacations and rely on our facility to provide a daily, temperature controlled place to play for their pups. Book your reservations in advance...but don't forget our booking and cancellation policy!
Beat the heat - keep your pup hydrated and NEVER leave your dog unattended in the car. Also take care to check pup's paws as hot asphalt can cause burns and contribute to dehydration. Utilizing our daycare services is a great way for your dog to burn some energy without having to play outside. Our AC controlled playrooms are kept between 72-74 degrees during the summer.
Review our policies - with lots of new friends coming to play over the summer months, we have to work extra hard to make sure everyone is safe and balanced. Following our policies and procedures keeps your pup and our staff safe. This includes things like drop-off and pick-up procedures, name tag policies, booking and cancellation policies and our hold harmless agreement. Need a review? You can find everything here on our website.
Be kind - we know that the busy, sometimes stressful pace of life can make things tougher to handle...but we ask that you always treat our team and other customers with kindness and respect. We're all doing the best we can to provide a safe and healthy workplace and facility. Join us in our effort to bring joy to each other in any way we can. Please be patient when visiting the facility and understanding when things out of the ordinary happen. We work extremely hard to make sure everything runs smoothly...but no one (and nowhere!) is perfect.
Have fun this summer, we can't wait to see you at ADC!